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Never seen a computer that can genuinely engineer something. If you can program a computer to design a physical solution to a problem we haven't solved yet then I stand corrected. AI is not so advanced as people think. But we are now applying the ai we have to things that used to be jobs mind numbingly boring jobs but jobs. Again it's not the careers disappearing but the tasks. And the change is that you now need to learn stuff progressively as you can't lock in a body of knowledge that will apply for always you have to keep learning.

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This is annoying, but usually manageable, unless of course you have to list all Unicode characters. A much harder problem is that there is no easy way to denote optional elements or repetitions. So if you want to do that you have to rely on boolean logic and the alternative | symbol. This rule states that can be composed of a character or a shorter followed by a . This would be the parse tree for the word dog. BNF has many other limitations: it makes complicate to use empty strings or the symbols used by the format e. g. g. To solve some of these limitations Niklaus Wirth created the Extended Backus Naur Form EBNF, which includes some concepts from his own Wirth syntax notation. EBNF is the most used form in contemporary parsing tool, although tools might deviate from the standard notation. EBNF has a much cleaner notation and adopt more operators to deal with concatenation or optional elements.
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I all of the people who say they eat right and exercise but didnt lose the weight until they had this surgery. If you ate right before you would have lost the weight because the only thing this surgery does is keep you from over eating. Just limit the calories you take in every day and exercise daily. I how people assume that diet and exercise is always the answer. I did the whole diet and exercise thing. I'm still doing it, but now I'm actually getting results.
East Kent College Course
YouTubeX allows you to save and download YouTube videos easily using only your IE or firefox browser. TubeSock grabs YouTube videos from the web and copies them to your video iPod, Mac, or PlayStation Portable. VideoDL is a quick AJAX application that allows you to download online video into your computer. It supports top 3 video sites YouTube, Google Video, and Break. com. Download YouTube via bookmarklets A collection of Greasemonkey scripts and bookmarklets to do the job. Youtube dl is a small command line program to download videos from YouTube. com. It requires the Python interpreter, version 2. 4 or later. KeepVid Download videos direct from most video sites like YouTube.
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