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Its been a rough ride for investors in 2016, with weak energy prices, an uncertain economy, worries about when and how much the Fed will raise rates, anxiety over the U. S. dollar and even political concerns over the upcoming election playing havoc on the broader stock market. But investors, desperate to stop the bleeding in their portfolios, might take a page from Warren Buffetts playbook and turn to so called wide moat stocks for refuge. What are moat stocks?Generally, theyre companies that dominate a sector, often have a big brand name, have a long track record of stable profits, and, most importantly, have wide moats or barriers that would make it tough for a competitor to disrupt or steal business. Put simply, a wide moat stock is like a medieval castle thats surrounded by a large moat, which keeps enemies or competitors at bay, said Dan Lefkovitz, a content strategist for Morningstars indexes. Only about 10% of the 1,500 stocks that Morningstar tracks are considered wide moat stocks. Case in point: Morgan Stanley Investment Managements flagship Global Franchise Fund MSFBX , which heavily favors wide moat stocks, is up more than 4% so far in 2016 while the VanEck Vectors Morningside Wide Moat ETF MOAT is up more 10% year to date. Both far outpace the SandP 500s 0. 6% return, the Nasdaqs negative 5. 4% return and the Russell 2000s negative 1.

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By then, Granados had spent thousands of dollars on legal fees and travel cost to fight the charges, he said. It just wasnt worth it to spend more money to appeal. Martin Rogers, the chief city prosecutor in Bullhead City, said in a written statement to the Goldwater Institute that the video of Granadoss arrest doesnt prove anything. Much of what happened is obscured by display racks, and all that is really clear from the video is that a struggle between police and a person occurred, he said. Videos are not always the best evidence, particularly with bad angles, distances and items blocking the way, Rogers wrote. After viewing the videos approximately 10 times after inquiries from the Goldwater Institute, Rogers concluded they were non determinative to me based upon sales displays and stacks of boxes that obscured most of what was going on. The store security officer also backed the police version of events, he said. Rogers denied Granados was prosecuted to insulate the city from a potential lawsuit. This is not a concern when we prosecute misdemeanor cases in the Bullhead City Prosecutors Office, he said. If Mr. Granados or his attorney believed he was wrongly convicted they should have filed an appeal with a higher court.
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But she filmed the outside and the reception and we can see what kind of luxury setting 50 70k USD will buy you: Not exactly the tropical paradise one expectsYeah, one of these days I have to look into Rigvir more, but today is not that day, as you will understand when my post for today goes live. NWO Troll: yes, many patients with cancer die every day. Dont remind me: they made up a large part of my hospice client group. I know far more about what its like to watch someone die with cancer than you ever will and that includes watching my father die from liver cancer. What you ignore is that treatments for some kinds of cancer have gotten a lot better. Its getting rare for someone to die of cervical cancer today, and I can see a day when no one does because well have eliminated 90% of the cause through vaccination. That means those women wont have to worry about the risk miscarrying their babies because of an incompetent cervix, or ever have to go through surgery, radiation, or chemo. But when Henrietta Lacks got cervical cancer in the 50s, there wasnt any effective treatment at all, and it was usually caught late, and was a death sentence. Were doing better with other cancers now as well thanks to routine screening, and early treatment and intervention .
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Event styling is fast developing as a work of art and the florist concerned has to take care of this aspect in an appropriate manner. Such blending can generate an impressive and refreshing interpretation. However the dress stores also appreciates the issue and that is why most of their products fit in tailor made with the seasonal aspects. When we hear about chemical warfare, thoughts of tanks, chemical weapons or gas chambers may become very prevalent images in our minds. Yet, this type of war born strategy may be more ubiquitous to our local communities than we may realize. Many people may be familiar with the Tuskegee Experiments, started in the early 1930s. A process where over 500 black sharecroppers in Macon County, Alabama had been deliberately neglected treatment for Syphilis by the Public Health Service American Health Service. Instead these men were treated for a fabricated illness described as Bad Blood. This experiment was being done for the primary purpose of seeing long term effects on the black races physical well being and their social/sexual relations. This study had been in process for 40 years, during the early 1960s it was taken over by the CDC Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. During the duration of the experiment the men would receive hot meals, clothing and other incentives to be a part of health neglecting tests.
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She specialises in research based Interior designing. Sunita Kohli is a research based interior designer and President of K2INDIA. She is known for having massive experience in historical interior architectural and architectural restoration. She has also played an important role in manufacturer of fine contemporary and classical furniture. Education: She has done BA Hons. degree and Master in English Literature. She never took any formal training in design and an autodidact. She was the first interior designer to be conferred the Padma Shri in 1992 and the first Indian Interior designer and architect to be invited to give an illustrated lecture at the prestigious National Building Museum in Washington DC in 2003. Work: She was in authority for adorning and re establishing the Prime Ministers Office, Parliament House Colonnade 19851989, Hyderabad House and the Rashtrapati Bhavan the Presidents House in New Delhi. Website: sunitakohli. asp, unita Kohli Indian Interior Designer and president of K2india.