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gets to the crux of the problem, and this happens with both chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia patient studies: Patients with mental illness histories are thrown into the mix which in turn creates the concept that these illnesses have underlying psychiatric causes. The same is being intentionally done with throwing domestic violence and violence abuse victims into the mix to turn these conditions into domestic violence/sexual violence caused illnesses. Beyond emotion based and medication based treatments for these conditions, physical therapy is also a treatment component. One form of physical therapy, an offshoot of Myofascial Release MFR physical therapy which involves rebounding and unwinding which was created by physical therapist John Barnes merges the physical therapy side of medical care with the psychological side, involving 'repressed memory' recovery via physical therapy. So essentially the physical therapists, who have no psychological training, who utilize this MFR rebounding and unwinding method are conducting what is essentially combined physical therapy psychotherapy. From the blog entry On Being Parented and Parenting: Overcoming Past Experiences Through Understanding Pain of Fibromyalgia by Barbara Keddy, BSc. N. , M. A. , Ph. D.

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Certaines des langues de Micronsie, comme le chamorro ou le paluan, sont en effet plutt apparentes aux langues austronsiennes des Philippines. La partie la plus occidentale de la Micronsie semble donc avoir des populations qui sont au moins en partie originaire de cette rgion, puis qui sont restes en contact plus ou moins rgulier avec les populations des Philippines ou des environs. La situation est diffrente pour la partie orientale de la Micronsie, pour laquelle l'origine semble davantage venir des populations austronsiennes Lapita, venues du sud des Salomon ou du nord Vanuatu. En raison de l'clatement linguistique l'ouest Mariannes et Carolines et de la relative homognit l'est Gilbert et Marshall, rien ne permet de trancher avec certitude sur un peuplement homogne, d'autant que la dcouverte des grottes marines de Nanumaga Tuvalu, dans une zone traditionnellement attribue la Micronsie mais dsormais peuple de Polynsiens semble faire remonter l'occupation humaine une priode fort antrieure. La majeure diversit linguistique se situe dans la partie centrale de la rgion : ce qui devrait indiquer que c'est la zone de plus ancien peuplement Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei. Il y a environ 3 500 ans, soit en 1 500 avant notre re, environ la mme poque que l'apparition des Lapita en Mlansie, des potiers commencent s'installer dans l'ouest de la Micronsie. L' le de Saipan, au sud des Mariannes, fut peuple il y a plus de 3 500 ans par des marins venus, semble t il, des Philippines ; comme les Lapita, ils taient cramistes, mais issus d'une tradition diffrente. Pour atteindre les Mariannes, les premiers Micronsiens ne traversrent probablement pas la mer des Philippines, large de mille cinq cents kilomtres ; ils suivirent vraisemblablement le chapelet d'les qui s'tend entre Halmahera les Moluques et Saipan, mais aucune date aussi ancienne n'y a encore t releve. Le peuplement le plus ancien de l'le de Yap, sur ce trajet, ne remonte qu'au dbut de notre re . Spriggs note propos de l'artisanat micronsien qu' il y a des parallles trs spcifiques avec la poterie de l'Asie du Sud Est , ce qui s'explique par l'origine suppose philippine d'une partie des Micronsiens les plus occidentaux d'entre eux. Vers cette poque, des liens commerciaux se tissent entre la Micronsie centrale Chuuk, Kosrae et Pohnpei, autrefois Ponape, aux les Carolines et les marins du Vanuatu Mlansie, liens qui dureront jusqu' l'poque moderne.

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Referring to the code travelling means relaxation 144 150 for participant 4 relaxation is not to be seen as travel motive, but as being included in the experience, resulting from pursuing personal interests. Thus the author infers that relaxation can possibly be seen not only as travel purpose but as travel consequence. Particularly in contrast to interviewees 2 and 5, 4 revealed to the author that he does not feel a constant urge to travel. This can be possibly related to his employment status, being retired, emphasizing the influence of job related workload. But looking at a quote from him, stating that he always is on holiday line 230, an elementary satisfaction with his life could be concluded. Referring to the earlier explained concept of life dissatisfaction triggering the motive of escaping daily life, this could be the reason for interviewee 4 being not subject to a constant travel desire. This would also fortify the emerged assumption of differentiating travel purpose and travel motive. Seeing the participants desire to pursue his interests as travel purpose and motive, without differentiation, a diminishing desire to travel would consequently mean diminishing importance of ones interests. Therefore the desire to travel has to be traced back to different origins. Furthermore, according to interviewee 4 the urge to travel is subject to general living circumstances. After the Second World War the main objective was to survive, travelling was not considered an option.

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